Sunday, May 31, 2009

An invincible way of thinking...

In the scorching summer gazes on the porch, age 5 at my grandmothers’ house, this was an invincible time for me. I was determined to fly like the great superheroes in my morning cartoon watching that engaged my mind’s eye—even the noisy swamp cooler was an irrelevant distraction.

The cousins and I were all there, eager to get into something … From my grandmother’s linen closet, we would grab the longest flowing towels we could find, wrap it around our necks and jump off the porch hoping the wind would carry us along. This was a thrill not to seek, but a thrill to jump into, for broken legs were never a thought for any of us— we were super heroes; we were invincible.

When I think back today of those moments which affect me now, I still jump off porches, knowing that the wind is going to carry me, as far as I want to go. I never realized that during the T.R.A.C.K. Live! production which started off...(This entry is continued on the member's blog at Membership is free!)